ACCF has awarded grants to 15 community projects organized by various organizations this year through its Community Projects Grant. For a full list of the organizations and their projects, please click here. These projects are designed to assist individuals experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. They encompass a wide range of services, including crisis intervention and support, emergency relief, outreach, education, and prevention services. These projects will be delivered in metropolitan and regional areas of NSW and Queensland. Since receiving the funds, several of the organizations have already made significant progress in implementing their projects. See updates in below:
Women and Girls’ Emergency Centre (WAGEC) – ACCESS scholarship program
ACCF’s grant was able to provide 5 scholarships through the program. To date, 2 scholarships have been utilised and the remaining 3 will be utilised prior to 30 June 2024. The scholarships are used for providing RSA/barista training, a childhood education course, a data analyst course, a Certificate 4 in Community Services and an IT course.
It will take a load off my shoulders to not worry about my debts growing so I can pass my exams graduate sooner and get a job successfully.
St Vincent de Paul Society – Food Support for the Homeless
In this project, ACCF’s grant was used to provide food and drinks at the designated drop-in hubs for the homeless.
Parramatta Mission – Elevating and Transforming a Life
Since receiving the grant from ACCF, Parramatta Mission has delivered 15,683 meals, distributed 463 food parcels and hampers, provided 1,964 material aid bags, and offered 563 showers and laundry facilities.
Backpack Beds for the Homeless
The grant from ACCF was used to provide fire retardant sleeping bags and backpack beds for street sleeping homeless people across Australia. Below is a thank you note from the team and a statement from a recipient of a backpack bed.
Southlake Inc. – “It’s not just a haircut” Community Hair Project
ACCF’s grant was used to provide free toiletry and food gift bags to homeless people residing in regional NSW. Below is a photo of the first packs to be distributed to homeless clients.
Applications received
Successful applications
Funds granted