The Faith Family Fund

The Faith Family Fund
(For Emergency Needs)

Ms Faith Tan (middle) & family
Vice-Chairman & Donor of the Faith Family Fund

Between 14 June 2018 to 21 April 2024, income generated by the Faith Family Fund is distributed to community projects that are designed to support the elderly. From 22 April 2024 onwards, this will be allocated towards assisting individuals with emergency needs.


What inspired you to set up the Faith Family Fund?

I was inspired and guided by Dr. Peter Wong’s belief in caring for the community and his encouragement to join ACCF. After seeing his inaugural donation to the Legacy Fund, I was compelled to follow his example. The Legacy Fund is a formal and legitimate platform that provides much-needed support to those who require it. With the increasing number of immigrants and widening wealth disparities in the coming years, more people will need a helping hand. I wholeheartedly believe in promoting social harmony, which is why I didn’t hesitate to become a donor myself.


What legacy do you hope to leave to this world? Or how do you want your donation to make a difference in your community?

My primary intention and hope for the donation is to assist the elderly. As my own parents are aging, I want to ensure that elderly people receive the necessary support. Many communities provide activities and services for the elderly, and they would certainly appreciate additional donations. I am not just focused on the Chinese communities, but also on other communities such as Arab, Indian, and Nepalese elderly communities, which require more attention and care. I genuinely hope that all elderly migrants who come here can live comfortably.


Would you recommend the Legacy Fund to your friends and family?

I would certainly recommend the Legacy Fund, with the hope that Dr. Wong’s vision for establishing it will endure in the future. Many Australians donate to various charitable organizations, and I believe that this platform is not solely for Chinese Australians. Whenever the community is in need, ACCF is there to provide assistance. Additionally, I hope that the Legacy Fund can help support medical research.

“The Legacy Fund is a formal and legitimate platform that provides

much-needed support to those who require it.”

Past Beneficiaries



Chinatown Support Group