Our Sponsors and Donors

Over the years, ACCF has received generous support from various sponsors and community organisations which enable us to fulfill our mission “to Foster Love, Care and Harmony in the Community”.

There are 5 sponsorship categories:

1. Corporate Sponsorship (>$10,000)

2. Diamond Sponsorship ($10,000 pa)

Corresponding Benefits from ACCF are as follow:

  • Diamond Sponsorship will receive TWO complimentary seats at one of the HOST TABLES and FIVE complimentary SILVER SEATS at ACCF Annual Dinners and Chinese New Year Dinners;
  • ACCF will provide appropriate acknowledgement opportunities at all events for Diamond Sponsorship. This includes signage at events, cheque presentations, media, publications and press releases;
  • Diamond Sponsorship will have the opportunities to distribute promotional materials including show bags at all ACCF events;
  • Complementary full-page advertisement in ACCF Annual Report;
  • Hyperlinked corporate logo on ACCF website.

3. Platinum Sponsorship ($5,000 pa)

Corresponding Benefits from ACCF are as follow:

  • Platinum Sponsorship will receive FOUR complimentary seats at one of the GOLD TABLES at ACCF Annual Dinners and Chinese New Year Dinners;
  • ACCF will provide appropriate acknowledgement opportunities at ACCF Annual Dinners and Chinese New Year Dinners for Platinum Sponsorship. This includes signage at events, cheque presentations, media, publications and press releases;
  • Platinum Sponsorship will have the opportunities to distribute promotional materials including show bags at ACCF Annual Dinners and Chinese New Year Dinners;
  • Complementary full-page advertisement in ACCF Annual Report;
  • Hyperlinked corporate logo on ACCF website.

4. Gold Sponsorship ($3,000 pa)

Corresponding Benefits from ACCF are as follow:

  • Gold Sponsorship will receive TWO complimentary seats at one of the GOLD TABLES at ACCF Annual Dinners and Chinese New Year Dinners;
  • ACCF will provide appropriate acknowledgement opportunities at ACCF Annual Dinners and Chinese New Year Dinners for Gold Sponsorship. This includes media, publications and press releases;
  • Hyperlinked corporate logo on ACCF website.

5. Event Sponsorship

All enquiries regarding the above sponsorship programme, please email info@accfnsw.org

Diamond Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor


Hudson Chen KC*HS Memorial Grant

Mrs Gloria & Mr Henry Cheung

Ms Queeny Pun

Dr Richard Ho

Ms Annie Tang JP

2024 ACCF 34th Anniversary Charity Dinner

Gold Table Sponsors

Dr Anthony Yeung JP & Mrs Winnie Yeung

Dr Dominic Pak & Ms Cecilia Tsai

Dr Peter Wong AM

Silver Table Sponsors

Dr Michael Tse