Overseas student Xin Liu (Stephen) was diagnosed with B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia and has undergone extensive chemotherapy treatments and blood transfusions to treat his condition. The financial strain to pay for his medical treatments meant that he was unable to afford the tuition fees for the last semester of his university degree. As a result, he reached out to ACCF for emergency assistance. The assessment committee approved $1,000 to be paid directly to the University and one of the Foundation’s trustee also donated $1,000 towards his university fees.
Three people from Canberra were accidentally poisoned on New Year’s Eve 2011 after consuming the toxic “death cap” mushrooms. A 52 year-old woman and a 38 year-old man later died in hospital. ACCF has allocated $10,000 to assist the families of the two deceased victims and to raise public awareness of the environmental dangers in Australia, particularly to those who are new to our country.
Mr Chen was a Chinese student recently arrived in Australia when he was injured in a car accident and became a paraplegic. Through the efforts of ACCF and with the help of Mr and Mrs Ngai of ABC Tissue Products Pty Ltd, Mr Chen was supported during his recovery period and given a wheelchair. ABC has also provided employment to him.
The North Epping Lin Family murder shocked our community greatly in 2009. ACCF initiated a fundraising campaign for the sole survivor, Ms Brenda Lin, in parallel with a local community fund raising campaign conducted by the North Epping Community. The funds were combined and a trust fund of $70,000 was established to support the education of Ms Brenda Lin.
ACCF and Lions Club of Sydney Pacific raised funds to establish, a scholarship at the University of New South Wales in 2005 to foster better understanding of ethnic affairs, including Aboriginal issues, as they may affect Australian society. The award aims to assist postgraduate study.
ACCF, together with the help of Lions Club of Sydney Pacific, launched the China Vision Project in 1997. China Vision enabled us to bring a team of eye specialists, nurses and other medical and paramedical personnel to Xian to offer advanced knowledge in this field to doctors and nurses in China. ACCF would like to thank Mr Nelson Wong, Dr Dennis Lowe, Dr Stephen Hing and many others for their contribution towards this project.