ACCF’s Annual Dinner was held on 22 October 2022 at Zilver Restaurant. We were privileged to have the presence of the NSW Premier The Hon Dominic Perrottet MP, The Hon Mark Coure MP, The Hon Victor Dominello MP, Mr Jason Li MP representing the Leader of Opposition, The Hon Cr Philip Ruddock & Mrs Ruddock and Ms Sneha Chatterjee at the event together with our sponsors, donors, media friends and members of the ACCF community.
Over AUD$34,000 was raised that night which will be allocated towards our future Funds and Grants Programme.
On the night, we were also joined by Mrs Eveline Chen and her two daughters who presented us with a bequest gift of amount AUD$100,000 from the Estate of the Late Hudson Chen KC*HS OAM.
Whilst we welcomed our new trustee Dr Richard Ho for joining the ACCF family, we were delighted in presenting a special gift to our Founding Chairman Dr Peter Wong AM in celebration of his 80th Birthday.
It warmed the hearts of many when we hear the 2021 & 2022 Funds & Grants Programme Report delivered by the Assessment Committee Chairman Mrs Celine Mok. Her report highlighted the meaningful projects that helped victims of domestic violence and announced the successful recipients of this year’s programme.
Overall, the event was a great success. Our Chairman Mrs Monica Chu OAM and the Event Chairman Miss Gigi Chong would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and we look forward to seeing you at our future events!