About Us

Story About Us
Where it all began

Who are we?

Australian Chinese Charity Foundation Inc (ACCF) was formed in 1990 as a broad based charity organisation to help the Australian community at large.

It is a non-political, non-profit and charitable organisation and is supported by the generosity of patrons, trustees and a corporate trustee; life members and ordinary members; the dedication of a Management Committee and; a Council Board (since 2009) – all voluntary members who have worked consistently to achieve ACCF’s aims and objectives and to extend ACCF’s reach to many other charitable organisations.

Our Mission

To Foster Love, Care & Harmony in the Community

Our Vision

To provide welfare services and financial assistance to people in need;

To fund or otherwise provide support to charitable projects or non-profit organisations in Australia;

To foster multiculturalism in the community; and

To facilitate understanding between the Chinese community and the wider Australian community.

Our Story
What have we done?

ACCF has assisted many community organisations and needy individuals through our community involvement. In particular, we have been involved in a number of national and international natural disaster reliefs from tsunami in Asia, bushfires in New South Wales and Victoria, earthquakes in Taiwan and China, flood relief in Pakistan, the settlement of 40,000 Chinese national in Australia, the re-settlement of Cambodia boat people and many others.

Since FY 2013
ACCF has contributed


in annual funding grants


in general donations and disaster relief


in emergency grants


 different charities across Australia

Want to get involved?

Join us today to contribute in helping people who are in need in our community.
