On 1st December 2022, ACCF has officially launched the appeal “ACCF Flood Relief – Here4You”. This appeal is specifically to raise funds for supporting fellow Australians whose lives are hugely affected by the unprecedented floods.

We have chosen to partner with The Australian Lions Foundation (ALF) as the sole beneficiary of this appeal as their objectives are in alignment with ours – that is to focus on providing direct assistance (examples: fridges, stoves, bedding, lounge furniture, etc) to flood-stricken families and communities in recovery and rebuilding.

As part of the community, we would like to invite you to support this cause by making a donation. All donations received between now and 4 February 2023 will be forwarded to ALF. For more info, please refer to our media release or our flyer below.

The ACCF Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner on 4 February 2023 is a good occasion for the community to celebrate the New Year as well as supporting a worthy cause.  The ACCF Flood Relief – Here4You appeal will end on the night of the celebration dinner.  In addition to donations received prior to the event, proceeds from the Charity Auction and donations received on the night will go towards this appeal. 

We would like to take this opportunity to invite you all in joining us at our Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner. For more info or to purchase dinner tickets, please refer to the promotional flyer below.

We look forward to celebrating the Year of the Water Rabbit with you on 4 February 2023.

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