Donation Form


Donations from our generous members including our patrons, trustees, Life members and ordinary members and members of the community have helped the Foundation to achieve its mission “to foster love, care and harmony in the community.”  The Foundation’s annual Community Project Funding Programme and Sponsorship Programme have helped many non-profit or charitable organisations to deliver the much-needed services to the Australian community in need.  The Emergency Assistance programme is also available to those in need under emergency circumstances.  The outcome of these programmes has changed the lives of many for the better.

Your donation is vital for Australian Chinese Charity Foundation Inc to continue our work to serve the community.

When making a donation to Australian Chinese Charity Foundation Inc, card details are transmitted using 3-D Secure services for cardholder authentication.  Australian Chinese Charity Foundation Inc does not host card data after processing.


Donation of $2 and over is tax deductible.


Merchant Details

Merchant Name: Australian Chinese Charity Foundation Inc.
ABN: 58 613 924 714
Address: Suite 8, 398 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood NSW 2067
Email Address:
Phone: +61 412 097 889